Lemon Genoise with Cream and Strawberries

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Happy birthday, mom!

I can’t remember the last time my family has bought a cake for any occasion besides my sister’s birthday—she always insists on getting an ice cream cake from Cold Stone. I’ve staked my claims on making our desserts, and this is certainly one of the best creations so far.

Genoise sponges are typically very lean and fluffy, pairing perfectly with whipped cream and fresh fruit. The sponge is a slightly enriched genoise with butter and milk, flavored with vanilla. Genoise sponges are typically very light but dry, so the added liquid and fat give it some moisture. The lemon flavor comes from a light soak with simple syrup. You can view my stabilized whipped cream recipe here: I love adding a bit of greek yogurt into the whipped cream, as it adds a tangy and healthy twist. Stabilizing whipped cream makes it more suitable for cake decorating, and it can hold more intricate decorations and be piped similar to buttercream.

Lemon Genoise Sponge with Whipped Cream and Fresh Strawberries
Prep Time: 25 mins
Cook Time: 35 mins
Yield: 2 8-inch rounds

For sponge:

  • 9 large eggs
  • 250 g granulated sugar
  • 250 g all-purpose flour
  • 30 g butter, melted
  • 40 g milk, any kind
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract

For lemon simple syrup:

  • 30 g water
  • 30 g lemon juice
  • 50 g granulated sugar

For decorating:

  • 1 pound strawberries, washed
  • 4 cups whipped cream (my recipe here!)
  • powdered sugar, for dusting

For the sponge:

  1. Preheat oven to 325°F and prepare two 8-inch round pans by spraying with oil and lining the bottom and sides with parchment paper.
  2. Crack all eggs into a large, heatproof bowl and add sugar.
  3. Place bowl over a pot of simmering water. Use a balloon whisk and whisk the sugar-egg mixture until it reaches 105°F or is slightly warm to the touch.
  4. Remove the egg mixture from the heat. With an electric whisk on high speed, whisk the mixture for 5-6 minutes until it is very light and fluffy, reaching the ribbon stage (when you lift the whisk out, the batter should flow down in ribbons).
  5. Reduce the mixer speed to medium and continue whisking for 10 more minutes to remove any large, irregular bubbles.
  6. Slowly sift and fold in the flour, careful not to deflate too much air. Fold until there are only a few pockets of flour left.
  7. Combine the milk, butter, and vanilla in a separate bowl and add around 1 cup of the batter. Stir in vigorously until the entire mixture is emulsified.
  8. Pour the emulsified mixture back into the original bowl of batter and continue to fold until completely combined and there are no more flour pockets.
  9. Divide the batter evenly between the two prepared pans.
  10. Bake on the middle rack of the oven for 30-35 minutes or until a toothpick comes out of the center clean.
  11. Remove from the oven and flip upside-down onto a parchment-lined cooling rack. Let cool completely before cutting each into two layers and trimming the edges.
  12. Wrap each layer in plastic wrap and place in refrigerator to chill until you decorate.

For the lemon simple syrup:

  1. Combine water, lemon juice, and sugar in a small sauce pan over medium heat.
  2. Heat until sugar is dissolved and mixture begins to bubble before transferring to a bowl to cool.

To Decorate:

  1. Set aside 10 pretty strawberries and cut them in half, leaving the leaves on. Cut the leaves off the rest of the strawberries before thinly slicing them lengthwise.
  2. Place a small dollop of whipped cream on a cake board before adding your first layer of sponge, cut side up.
  3. Use a pastry brush to evenly add 1-4 tbsp simple syrup to the sponge.
  4. Spread a thin layer of cream over top. Then place a thin layer of thinly sliced strawberries, followed by another thin layer of cream.
  5. Place another sponge on top and repeat until the top sponge has been soaked.
  6. Cover the top and sides of the cake with the rest of the cream. Decorate with the halved strawberries and a dusting of powdered sugar.
  7. Enjoy, and store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days!

Alena Shen

I’m an LA-based medical student who loves cooking, baking, lifting, and running! Browse a collection of my recipes to try something new.


Garlic, Basil, and Mushroom Gnocchi


Stabilized Tangy Whipped Cream