
sourdough log

Like many other people, I picked up the art of sourdough as a quarantine pass-time. Through many successes and failures, I’ve come to appreciate the beauty, intricacy, and simultaneous simplicity and complexity of a sourdough loaf.

#13: 6 Aug 21

  • 2 boules

  • same bulk fermentation as no.1-5, 12

  • no ear formation, but good crust and well-distributed crumb structure

#12: 28 May 21

  • 2 boules

  • same bulk fermentation as no.1-5

  • slight ear on one boule, good swirl crumb structure but slightly tight in one

#11: 16 Feb 21

  • tinted with butterfly pea flower: 2 tsp butterfly pea powder, same bread flour to whole wheat flour ratio as #1-8

  • ~2 tbsp lemon juice added for acidity, little effect on dough color and taste

  • tried coil fold method, dough tore slightly in folds 4-6

  • seems a bit under-proofed



#10: 16 Feb 21

  • tinted with 1 tsp turmeric

  • tight-looking structure but felt springy—possibly due to over-shaping

  • let sit out during oven preheating and noticed no difference

  • tried coil fold method, possibly overworked

  • seems a bit under-proofed

  • P.S. Happy year of the ox! I had lots of fun with this scoring pattern :)

#9: 14 Jan 21

  • tinted with butterfly pea flower: 2 tsp butterfly pea powder, 9:1 bread flour to whole wheat

  • dough felt thirsty, added water until consistency felt right

  • great rise and ear formation, small bursts along cut lines: make scoring deeper

  • earthy taste, pretty pleasant

  • try adding acid next time for color!



#8: 14 Jan 21

  • seeded boule: seeds added before first stretch and fold

  • 60 grams seed mix: black sesame, chia, and pumpkin seeds

  • same bulk fermentation as 8 Jan 21

  • accidentally coated in seeds before final shaping: made weird swirl inside but didn’t affect taste or texture

  • dough already overflowing in banneton before cold retard

  • difficult to score with seeded top and pumpkin seeds inside

  • longer bake: first bake 30 @ 500°F, second bake 15 @ 475°F

  • HUGE rise with light, even crumb


#6&7: 8 Jan 21

  • 2 seeded boules: mixed in soaked seeds along with starter

  • 30 grams seed mix per loaf with black sesame, white sesame, poppy, chia, and pumpkin seeds

  • even, close crumb with long bulk fermentation (20; 20; 20; 30; 30; 30; 180)

  • very moist and flavorful

  • fish-pattern loaf was dropped on the ground after bake: pattern is dull and loaf cracked


#5: 5 Jan 21

  • good rise, same bulk fermentation as 12 Dec 20

  • well-formed ear

  • even browning with 180° turn at halfway mark during second bake

  • starter left in refrigerator for 2 weeks, revitalized with 1 feed: more pronounced taste



#4: 14 Dec 20

  • dense-looking crumb, taste fine: same bulk fermentation as 12 Dec 20

  • browning uneven in back: need to turn in oven during second bake



#3: 12 Dec 20

  • more open and even crumb: longer bulk fermentation, 6 folds (20; 20; 20; 30; 30; 30; 120)

  • good crust color and texture: first bake for 15 @ 500°F, second bake for 15 @475°F

  • small burst: scoring too shallow



#2: 10 Dec 20

  • recipe adapted from A Beautiful Plate

  • better crumb: longer bulk fermentation, 6 folds (15; 15; 15; 30; 30; 30; 120)

  • crust too hard: first bake for 15 @ 500°F, second bake for 20 @ 475°F

  • spotty dusting: unclear pattern


#1: 23 Nov 20

  • recipe via Sarah Owens, Food 52

  • severe tunneling: bulk fermentation too short, 4 folds @ 3.5 hours

  • good crust color and texture: first bake for 15 @ 500°F, second bake for 15 @475°F
