No Knead Garlic Rosemary Bread


My family has long established its love for rosemary bread ever since we had our first taste of Wegmans’ rosemary olive oil half-loaf, so I decided to whip up this delicious and simple crusty bread. It fills the kitchen with a yummy smell of rosemary, garlic, and olive oil, and the slices are perfect as a sandwich base or simply dipped in balsamic vinegar and olive oil!

The bread requires no kneading, and the flavors develop and infuse overnight through a slow rise in the refrigerator. By baking the loaf in a dutch oven, the bread forms a crispy, golden crust dotted with bits of salt. Make sure you give the loaf enough time to rest out of the oven so it’s easier to slice!

No Knead Garlic Rosemary Bread
Active Prep Time: 30 mins
Inactive Prep Time: 8-12 hours
Cook Time: 55 mins
Yield: 1 loaf


  • 400 g all-purpose flour
  • 300 g water, room temperature
  • 1 tbsp olive oil, more for drizzling
  • ½ tsp active dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp dry rosemary
  • 8 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1.5 tsp kosher salt, more for sprinkling

Dough preparation:

  1. Combine olive oil, garlic, and rosemary in a small saucepan over low heat. Heat for 15 minutes or until very fragrant, careful not to brown garlic or rosemary. Set aside to cool.
  2. In a large bowl, combine flour, yeast, and salt. Add infused oil mixture, and slowly pour in water while stirring into a sticky dough.
  3. Lightly coat one side of a plastic wrap with oil and press onto the surface of the dough. Set in refrigerator to rise overnight, 8-12 hours.

Second rise and baking:

  1. Place a 6-quart Dutch oven with lid inside a preheating oven at 450°F.
  2. Using lightly greased hands, gently fold the dough onto itself a few times. It will be very sticky but try not to knock out too much air.
  3. Lightly dust a 16x16 inch parchment square with flour. Carefully flip dough from bowl onto the parchment with the folds tucked underneath. Sprinkle salt on top if desired, cover with a large bowl so that the dough sits untouched, and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
  4. Use a serrated knife to score the bread (I make one large slash).
  5. Remove the Dutch oven from the oven and set lid aside. Carefully lift parchment paper from two sides and lower the paper and dough into the Dutch oven. Replace the lid and place into oven.
  6. Bake for 35 minutes and remove lid. Bake for another 15-20 minutes, or until the top of the bread is a deep golden brown.
  7. Remove bread from oven onto a cooling rack. Let cool for 1 hour before slicing bread.

For the loaf: 1,623 calories: 322.6 g carbs; 14.1 g fat; 40.8 g protein

Alena Shen

I’m an LA-based medical student who loves cooking, baking, lifting, and running! Browse a collection of my recipes to try something new.


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